DevLog’s telegram channel:
The 22 days Daily Dev Log result (DevLog #3):
- spent at least 59 hours.
- It took 27 days. Were missed 5 days. There were 22 productive days.
- The DevLog was updated 12 times.
- Telegram channel got +3 members. Total 7 = (me + 6).
- added new mechanics and card: poison.
- 80 percent of graphics is original. I found the artist who agreed to help me with visual design.
- added many improvements from User Experience scope.
- added base analytics functional. It is easy to extend it now.
- added general localization functional.
- There is still huge amount of works to make first demo of the game. I am going to take some rest and I will start new marathon again.
- new android demo-build: dungeons-faculty-v0.1.10.apk

- new WebGL demo-build: WebGL

7 September, 2018 – Day 22
This last day of the current marathon I did many small tasks. They were graphics update from artist, refactoring and code cleanup, several bug-fixes, new analytics events, localization editor extension improvements.
6 September, 2018 – Day 21
Today I worked on the upgrade card popup. I finished all UI bindings and the upgrading logic. The popup looks bad but I tried to understand all features of this screen and I tried to simplify upgrading process and make it more obvious and visual explained. When I decide that all is easy enough here I will work on better UI.

5 September, 2018 – Day 20
Today I worked on visual effect from poison card feature scope. I wanted to add the green tint to a monster sprite color when monster gets damage from poison effect. I created special shader for that which allow me control R, G, and B channels of sprites. This shader helped me add the red tint when monster gets direct damages too.

18 August – 4 September, 2018 – Days 9 – 19
Several days I didn’t make any update in DevLog. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t do anything. I just didn’t have time for DevLog and the ‘do something’ task was more important. I tried to do at least one task everyday but I got several missed days. Github’s commits history says that I worked 11 days and the current progress state is 19 worked days from 20 planned before.
The brief result of my work since the last DevLog update:
- I adjusted many graphics updates from the artist: cards (healing bottles, stones, swords and covers), monsters and changes in UI.
- I integrated Firebase analytics. I installed it for Android and created several events in game logic. I will extend events list later during development.
- I added number of technical improvements like: clear game state feature from debug panel, new rules for data validation, FPS counter, navigation changes between screens.
- I created battle backgrounds as ScriptableObject. I unlinked backgrounds from monsters. Backgrounds are a separated logic items now and they are randomly selected for each battle.
- I changed drawing logic for Pass Turn card in the battle and the dungeon. It is drawn automatically after first appearance now.
- I added minor improvements in the localization pipeline. I extended Unity editor for that.
- I started rework of cards upgrade UI. I decided to create single card upgrade screen as separated popup.
- I did several improvements in the poison card and mechanics (save/load of poisoned state, card images, poof animation and different polishing).
- I fixed dungeon’s loot animation bug.
- I added icons for Android with transparent backgrounds.
One of the graphics changes.
17 August, 2018 – Day 8
This day I updated several monster images and implemented random broken mask assignment to broken walls.

16 August, 2018 – Day 7
I have an important technical task in the current sprint: integrate localization. I like commercial localization plugins which Unity Assets Store has. ‘I2 Localization‘ for instance. I use them in my freelance work. But I don’t want to use them in my pet project. As I want to put all game data to local database which based on Unity ScriptableObjects, I want to make localization more natively using ScriptableObjects too.
Instead using ‘string’ type in entities, I am going to use some ‘LocalizedString’ type which will store all possible localizations, which will allow to put any localized string from editor, switch between languages in editor or in runtime. There will not be any linking using ids or terms (except dynamic text). And of course it should be possible import/export to/from csv-files.
But this is not a big task. I don’t want to spent a lot of time on it. I created base functional in single day. I am going to add more features and extend editor when things become not controllable.
Also, I found font which I like and which supports Cyrillic. This took several hours of my small amount of free time.
On the game launch I am going to support two languages: English and Russian. Russian language will help me to find most of places where UI has problems with text fitting. German is better for that, but I am Russian speaking person and Russian is good too.

15 August, 2018 – Day 6
Last days I got bunch of new images from artist which I had to update in the game. There were several monster images. Update them is not only files replacing task, I had to setup again monsters areas and another parameters which depends of monsters visual shape. This took all of my available time at this day. Additionally I fixed several minor bugs.

14 August, 2018 – Day 5
I continued work on new poison card. I thought about balance and I created four new cards (level 2, 3, 4 and 5) with better poison parameters. I polished get poisoned particles effect and created monster poisoned status icon with additional information. I still don’t like how poison mechanics looks and works so I am going to continue polishing it.

13 August, 2018 – Day 4
Today I started work on the new feature which implementation will take several days. This is new card: poison. This card poisons monster for several moves and damages monster during this moves.
I started from creating new card structure in the game database. I created poison card data with two parameters (damage and duration) as ScriptableObject and poison ability which will handle poison data and do all logic. I worked on card visual presentation. I tried several visual particles effects to show following events: monster is poisoned, monster got damage. I am going to polish all of this more.

12 August, 2018 – Day 3
Today I worked on bug-fixes and minor improvements. I could not to reproduce several bugs. Several other bugs were fixed. I updated some graphics files and tried sprite mask approach to make broken walls partly transparent to see chests behind them. I like the approach but I will need more masks to use them randomly.

11 August, 2018 – Day 2
It was busy day and I have done my daily task in the train.

It was the task about hand of cards UI adjustment from UX category. I didn’t like the previous draw cards workflow, how quickly several cards were drawn and how spacing between cards was changed and all related animations. I added number of improvements to make game flow feeling and user experience better.

10 August, 2018 – Day 1
Today I started the new game development maraphone where I work on the my pet-project. I am going to do at least one small task every day till end of August. The maraphone will continue for 20 days. I hope I will finish many tasks from the the current sprint and the backlog and I will make the game prototype more interesting and better.
I have good news – the project have got the artist. Vitaliy agreed to help me with graphics on enthusiasm when he will have free time. So, periodically, I will be showing new graphics.

First day I was busy getting together all new graphics which was provided by Vitaliy (as he started working early than me). I replaced the several images and I updated the several monsters.